Case Study Matrix Group Inc

    Matrix Group Inc. needed a robust phone solution that would unify it’s business communications while remaining cost-effective. Here’s how net2phone delivered.


    Matrix Group is a privately owned, full-service commercial real estate company based in Denver, Colorado. Founded in 1994, Matrix Group has grown with the mission to provide outstanding acquisitions & sales, leasing, property management, property maintenance, and tenant finish services to their investors and tenants.

    Since its launch, Matrix Group has successfully sourced and managed transactions for its investors while retaining strong relationships with commercial property tenants. Today, the Matrix Group portfolio includes properties that are diverse in terms of location, class, property type, and demographic backing. The tenants who make up the Matrix Group portfolio range from small startups and nonprofit organizations to Fortune 500 companies and everything in between.

    The Challenge: Growing with a mission

    In an industry that focuses on geographic expansion and growing a portfolio of properties, it’s critical for property management organizations to leverage flexible technology that empowers its employees with the tools to connect with important contacts from any location.

    As with any company still operating off of a legacy phone system, Matrix Group had two options when it came to business communications: being confined to their office’s desk phone, or providing clients and investors with an employee’s personal cell phone number. Following years of relying on this disjointed solution, Matrix Group decided to leave the days of managing an antiquated phone system behind them, and step into the future with a flexible cloud-based real estate office phone system from net2phone.

    Time for an upgrade

    The act of successfully managing important investor transactions and tenant relationships requires a lot of communication, preferably through a reliable business phone solution. Having limited mobility with their business phone system was becoming increasingly problematic. When working from home or on job sites, the team at Matrix Group was forced to use their cell phones to talk to important business contacts. This meant employees would have to manually filter between personal and professional voicemail messages and Management had no visibility into the organization’s call history. While Matrix Group did have the ability to forward calls to personal cell phone numbers, the process to do so successfully was tedious. Not only did cell phones provide limited business functionality, but it also served as a very disjointed solution that could have ultimately impacted their bottom line.

    In addition to its restricted flexibility, unlike hosted PBX the traditional PBX system that Matrix Group relied on was an ongoing headache. The constant disruptions, feature failures, and maintenance costs were becoming prohibitive for Matrix Group, who needed a future-forward and cost-effective phone solution that would help unify the company’s communications.

    Following months of frustrations with their deteriorating phone system infrastructure, The Management Team at Matrix Group decided it was time to evaluate new options. Knowing that thousands of companies had already turned to unified communications solutions to power their business, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) had emerged as top-of-mind for their technology choice. Matrix Group began their search for a VoIP solution that could fulfill two requirements: increased agility and cost certainty. Matrix Group enlisted the expertise of a telecom broker who presented them with multiple options but was a strong advocate for net2phone because of its inclusive pricing and support experience.

    net2phone’s feature-filled platform would fulfill all of Matrix Group’s business requirements and they were eager to finally implement innovative telephony technology.

    The Solution: Welcome to the cloud

    With over 25 years in helping businesses drive success through smarter conversations, net2phone was uniquely positioned to help Matrix Group transition their phone system to the cloud. In upgrading from a legacy system, Matrix Group suddenly had access to a myriad of advanced VoIP phone system features; from integrations with leading business platforms and powerful messaging tools, to innovative call analytics functionality and dashboards. While the onslaught of new technologies can be overwhelming to learn, the net2phone team of telecom experts worked hand-in-hand with Matrix Group to deliver them an intuitive solution that would suit their specific business needs, all within a single price point.

    As with many cloud-based solutions, the process in transitioning to VoIP couldn’t be easier. In bypassing traditional landlines, there was no need to set up additional infrastructure or incur maintenance fees. Rather, net2phone delivered the pre-provisioned phone hardware to the Matrix Group office ready for their team to simply plug their devices into an ethernet cable and be up and running within minutes. Their telecom broker was able to help facilitate the transition to net2phone, testing the new VoIP phones to ensure all of the features and call flows were in place for the go-live date.

    Fantastic Results

    Net2phone’s self-service client portal proved to be an invaluable tool for employees and management alike. From tech-savvy millennials to the self-proclaimed technologically challenged, the intuitive interface appealed universally and was happily adopted by all members of Matrix Group. "I can't believe how easy it is to use, I thought I would have to call into support all the time but I'm doing it all myself!" notes Matrix Group COO, Brad Cohen.

    The strategic implementation of net2phone’s cloud-based communications software increased the firm’s flexibility, enabling the team at Matrix Group to make and receive enterprise-quality voice calls from their desk phone, mobile device, and computer. All team members received comprehensive training on how to access and optimize their individual features so that they can work remotely under a unified system while providing clients with a professional and interactive calling experience. The efficiencies created by net2phone’s software allow work to be completed in the most timely and effective way - critical for a firm that is sharply focused on maximizing ROI for its investors.

    “I can't believe how easy it is to use, I thought I would have to call into support all the time but I'm doing it all myself!”

    Brad Cohen, Matrix Group Chief Operating Officer
