50 Countries and 300 Cities Around the Globe

    Local Phone Numbers for Your Business

    Get easy-to-use local numbers for your business. Use in your marketing and online channels to increase customer confidence, save money, boost business, and so much more.

    Establish Your Local Presence

    What is a Local Number?

    A local number is a phone number that represents a specific area in a town, county, or country. Local numbers are identifiable by the area code or country code.

    A local number allows your business to be contacted as if it had a physical presence in the specific area, regardless of where it's actually located or whether it is an online-only brand or a brick-and-mortar location.

    Local phone numbers for business

    Get A Local Number For Your Business

    Choose a local phone number for your business from a range of numbers, including local U.S. and international numbers, toll-free, mobile, and vanity numbers.

    U.S. Local Phone Numbers

    Local Phone Numbers from any U.S. Area Code

    Whether your business is in New York or Nevada, Alabama or Arkansas, Pennsylvania or Puerto Rico, net2phone’s top of the line unified communication solution can provide your business with a unique local phone number from any US area code. Combine the power of nationwide and local with a local phone number option from net2phone.

    And don’t forget, with local phone numbers from net2phone, you can have multiple numbers for your business. This means that your customers in New York can call a local New York number, while your Nevada-based contacts will dial one from their local area.

    US local numbers
    International Phone Numbers

    Local Numbers From 50 Countries and 300 Cities

    As the world of business is now a global marketplace, make sure your brand is prepared to compete on the world stage with local numbers from around the world. With an advanced unified communications package from net2phone, your business can access local numbers from over 50 countries and 300 cities all over the globe.

    Whether you want to do business in Canada, Colombia, the UK or Hong Kong, net2phone has a local phone number for you.

    International numbers
    Toll-Free U.S. Numbers Gain a national presence for your business and free local calls for your customers with toll-free numbers.
    Local Vanity Phone Numbers Make your phone number easy to remember and recognizable with a vanity number that matches your brand or service.
    Toll-Free International Numbers Get local on the world stage and accelerate your brand with toll-free international numbers for your business.

    Talk To Sales

    Get Local Business Phone Number

    Establish your local presence with area codes from any state in the US or from over 50 countries and 300 cities around the globe.

    Get Started

    Using a Local Number Can Boost Your Business

    With business today being infinitely more global, it’s more important than ever for your business to operate on the world stage. Customers, however, still tend to gravitate toward local businesses. This means obtaining a local number for your business should be your brand's top priority moving forward.

    Increase Your Local Presence

    Increase your local presence by ensuring the surrounding community recognizes your organization as part of the area. Feel part of the community with the boost in presence which comes with a local number.

    Cost Savings

    Allow customers to take advantage of local rates when calling your company. Customers are more likely to call if they don’t feel it’s going to cost them a fortune.

    Separate Business & Personal Numbers

    Keep your personal number private by having distinct communication channels for each. Avoid unnecessary awkwardness by keeping your professional and personal lives completely separate.

    Make It Easier to Reach You

    Customers feel more comfortable calling local numbers compared to ambiguous generic contacts or numbers from regions that are unfamiliar. Familiar looking numbers are easier to dial, so use a local number to boost confidence.

    Increase Response Rates

    You can achieve better response rates when customers call local numbers. Evidence shows that local calls are shorter and take up fewer resources, helping your representatives call back more customers in less time.

    Extended Marketing Opportunities

    Unlock extended marketing opportunities with a local number. Opportunities such as being listed in local directories, business listings, and with other community businesses and organizations.

    What Can You Do with Local Phone Numbers?

    Calls Make and Receive Calls Use a selection of local numbers – wherever you are. The modern enterprise is always on the move, so make sure your local business is equally mobile and agile.
    Messages Send and Receive Text Messages Message straight to your desktop computer or any connected device. When a phone call isn't possible, text messages are a quick and effective option.
    Conference Make Conference Calls Keep global team members connected from anywhere. With an increasingly remote workforce, businesses need to embrace new ways of hosting meetings.
    Video Make and Receive Video Calls Give your business communications a human touch. Face-to-face talks are essential when discussing important matters, so use net2phone video calls and engage on a deeper level.

    Local Phone Number FAQs

    Which U.S. area codes are available?

    net2phone can provide local numbers from anywhere in the US – that’s all 50 states, including Alaska and Hawaii

    What international phone numbers does net2phone offer?

    Net2phone's cloud communication suite offers virtual phone numbers (DIDs) in 40+ countries and over 300 cities around the globe, and support for international number porting.

    International phone numbers

    Can I transfer my existing local number?

    Yes. We can do so by porting your existing numbers with net2phone. Simply put, porting means the transfer of numbers from one provider to another. In this case, you would transfer your numbers over to net2phone.

    Not all numbers are portable and depends on your current carrier.  So get in touch with our team here at net2phone for more details on how to transfer your existing local number.


    What type of local phone number can I get?

    With net2phone you can get:

    • local phone numbers with area codes from all 50 states of the U.S.
    • International phone numbers from over 50 international countries and 300 cities around the globe
    • Toll-Free Numbers
    • Toll Free International Numbers
    • Vanity numbers 

    How can I get a local number and start using it?

    Contact your net2phone sales representative to find out about availability for the country and city local number(s) you need.

    Once purchased, the number will be added to your net2phone account and is able to be assigned to users or departments just like any other number or extension.

    How much does a local phone number cost?

    The cost for local phone numbers varies by country. At the same time, local numbers may already be included in your net2phone unified communications package. Get in touch today and find out.

    Is it possible to have more than one local number for various parts of the country?

    Yes. Your business can have a separate number for any markets it operates in – seamlessly blending global and local enterprises together.

    How is a local number different from a toll-free number?

    Toll-free simply means the number is free to call for customers. A local number is one which fits the form of numbers for the local area but is not necessarily toll-free.

    Get A Local Number For Your Business

    Establish your business's local presence with phone numbers from any US location, 50 international countries and 300 cities around the globe.

    Get Started